Версия пампа с песнями из Next Xenesis и NX2
Список песен:
BanYa Production - Money
BanYa Production - Guitar Man
BanYa Production - Jam o' Beat
BanYa Production - Beat the Ghost
BanYa Production - Monkey Fingers 2
BanYa Production - Caprice on Otada
BanYa Production - Higgledy Piggledy
Sonic Dimension - Groovin' Motion
Oscillator X - Dance All Night
Elpis - Dance Vibrations
Sonic Dimension - Chopstix
ZigZag - Energizer
Yahpp - Faster Z
Yahpp - Solitary 1.5
Yahpp - Pumptris Quattro
Wonder Girls - Tell Me
Seo Taiji & Boys - It's My B
Seo Taiji - Come Back Home
Seo Taiji - Feel the Soul
Joanne - Shiny Day
Gil Gun - A.U.Ready
Mina - Get My Phone Call
015B - Very Old Couple
Bada - VIP
Bae Chi Gi - Nice to Meet You
No Brain - You Fell in Me!
Crying Nut - Astral Song
May - Compunction
Pia - Maelstrom
HeaDTriP - Beat # No. 4
Hot Potato - No Despair
015B - Very Old Couples
Seo Taiji - Feel The Soul
Bada - VIP
Wonder Girls - Tell Me
Seo Taiji & Boys - It's My B
Seo Taiji & Boys - Come Back Home
Epik High - Fly
BanYa Production - Banya-P Guitar
BanYa Production - Guitar Man
BanYa Production - Money Fingers
BanYa Production - Monkey Fingers
NX2 K-Pop Remix 1
NX2 Hip-Hop Remix
Crying Nut - Astral Song
NX2 K-Pop Remix 2
Hot Potato - No Despair
NX2 K-Pop Remix 3
NX2 Diva Remix
BanYa - FA Ep. 1 + Chicken Wing Remix
BanYa - Solitary
Jiny - Free!
Apple Jam - Snow Dream
May - Handsome Character That Pass
Typhoon - So
BanYa - Turkey
BanYa - Come To Me
BanYa Production - Ugly Dee
BanYa - Caprice Of Otada
yahpp - Fire Game
Gil Gun - A.U Ready
yahpp - Faster Z
yahpp - Pumptris Quattro
Seo Taiji & It's My Business
No Brain - You Fell In Me
BanYa Production - Guitar Man
BanYa Production - Higgledy Piggledy
Elpis - Dance Vibration
BanYa - Vook
yahpp - Chimera
BanYa - Beethoven Virus
BanYa - Witch Doctor
BanYa - Phantom

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